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Change the world, make your bed! Naval Adm. William H. McRaven said: “If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.” He concurs that his statement may seem a little ridiculous but states that the wisdom of this simple act has been proven to him many times over. So, it appears that making your bed every day, has long-lasting benefits. We have all heard the saying, “you made your bed, now sleep in it”. The implications of these words are harmful and imply that you have to face the consequences of your deeds. However, in the case of making your bed every morning, the result is positive. Millions of people wake up every day and are faced with the task to make their beds. Some people opt to leave their homes without making their beds. Others diligently make their beds every morning. Let us investigate a few interesting facts surrounding the making of the bed.
Aesthetics and neatness of a bedroom are probably one of the most popular forces behind the “making-of-the-bed-movement”. Those that argue for the making of the bed are mostly tidy, neat and organised people. If one goes to the trouble to google the topic, there appear to be a few interesting thoughts, about those that regularly make their beds every morning and those that don’t. To make your bed, or not to make your bed, that remains the question. Let’s have a look at the differences between this group of people.
Folks that prefer to make their beds on a daily basis have more adventurous, confident, sociable and high maintenance personalities. People that don’t make their beds daily tend to be more shy, moody, curious and sarcastic. For the case of making your bed in the morning, I am sure that most people would opt for the adventurous, confident, sociable personality traits. The high maintenance component could be the only negative factor in the bed-makers make-up! To avoid having the tab of being; moody, shy and sarcastic, one could opt to change your behaviour, make your bed and you could fall into the world of the bed-makers personality! If things are that simple! The bottom line is if it were that simple to do, everybody would be making their beds, and there would be no case.
It seems that those that are willing to invest time and effort in the dressing and making of their beds are early risers. These early birds would also rise without being prompted by their alarm clocks. On the contrary, those that are not willing to make their beds are late night owls; they are those individuals that would continue to sleep amidst the appalling noises and nagging alarm clocks.
The night owl would typically work in the finance or business industry while the bed makers are most probably workers in the healthcare or technology-related fields.
The task of making your bed takes only a few minutes out for your day; this is one of the first chores that one would perform upon waking up in the morning. Studies prove that this simple duty of neatness and tidiness provides a sense of pride and accomplishment. A decluttered space promotes a decluttered state of mind. A cleaner look in your bedroom will lead the way to better habits. A bedroom is a space of retreat, to keep that space clean and clutter-free is a must if you desire optimal daily performance.
A decluttered bedroom looks better than a dishevelled, chaotic space. A tidy area will evoke feelings of improved mood, and in turn, this will lead to lowers stress levels. So it seems for now that those that make their beds are happier people with clutter-free-minds.
In recent surveys 71 percent of bed-makers consider themselves to be satisfied people while 62 percent of non-bed-makers admitted that they are unhappy individuals. Bed-makers are also more likely to be property owners. Furthermore, they enjoy their jobs and exercise regularly. A further benefit of making your bed every morning is that you have a 19 percent more likely chance to get in a good night’s sleep. A fantastic advantage, considering the number of insomniacs that wander our streets on a daily basis.
Being rich is directly related to the amount of work you do and many wealthy people have habits that are worthwhile investigating. One of the practices of millionaires includes the habit of making their beds every day. It seems as if this simple, repetitive task is a crucial factor in achieving success. If you enter your bedroom after a busy and productive day, the view of a decluttered space will revive and energise you. Your mind will be relaxed and creative, this, in turn, will aid you in your daily productivity and in the end it will hold the promise of financial benefits.
Charles Dunhigg writes that “Making your bed every morning is correlated with a better productivity a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget. It’s not that a family meal or a tidy bed causes better grades or less frivolous spending. However, somehow those fundamental shifts start chain reactions that help other good habits take hold.”
Many children start their days in an unproductive way; this habit will lead to future patterns of unproductivity and undisciplined behaviour. Teaching your child to make his or her bed is an essential component in the development of the child. Further, it also provides bonding time and instils organisation skills and a sense of routine. Making your bed should be the first productive activity act of the child’s day, this activity should lead to other productive activities such as, cleaning their bedroom and making breakfast. A productive day has many more prospects than a quiet day.
All of us have bad days; children are no different. If you return to your bedroom after a disastrous day, the last thing you want to see is an unmade bed. That same fact applies to a child. A bedroom is a place of safety and is a sanctuary where your child could be himself.
Younger children enjoy it to contribute to household chores. It is important to note that you should not be too critical of your child’s attempts to make his/her bed. The most important thing is that you should teach your child how to perform the chore. Once the child adopts that habit of making a bed this simple activity will instil a sense of pride and achievement and a valuable skill will be introduced. This ability will most certainly benefit the child for the rest of his/her life. Bottom line is when you teach your child to make his/her bed have fun. While you shake your blankest and duvets you can have an informal chat; communication is the key. Look at the broader picture and the future. A happy, confident and disciplined child is every parent’s dream.
According to a survey by, 59 percent of people do not make their beds, 12 percent of people pay someone to do this task on their behalf.
Making your bed will create a positive habit, your bed will look organised and decluttered. Bed-makers will experience positive feelings of accomplishment, and this would most certainly spill over to other areas in your life.
Start this new year by evaluating your daily habits; this begins in your bedroom. For a happier, you, make your bed every day. Declutter your room and your space. Evaluate the condition of your bed and if you are in the market for a new mattress, visit our online store and purchase your dream bed today!
Happy bed-making in 2019!
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