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Thank you: Genessi Bed

Author imageThe Mattress Warehouse

Thanks for your support. Genessi

The Genessi promotion was a huge success. I love doing promotions because you get to meet new people and introducing them to our brand of beds. You also get to have new customers and because of the service we give them they remain loyal for the rest of their life. However when doing a promotion one has to be aware that people are different. It’s just like buying a bed, some may prefer a Latex bed while others prefer a Spring Bed. Ă‚ 

One of my favourite Genessi Beds was the Superior Comfort. I love this bed because of the luxurious memory foam which the mattress has. This bed is particularly high in height and takes the weight of up to 130kg per person on each side. It is a no turn bed which saves you the time and energy so u don’t have to spend your time turning it. Genessi also has the Vitality Pillow Top Bed. This bed has no weight restrictions, it’s a memory foam mattress. It contours to the shape of your body. The ideal thing about memory foam is the heat absorbent technology which it has. The longer you lie on the bed, the memory foam sinks your body in where it is the heaviest therefore you are guaranteed that your shoulders and neck are supported. I would like to thank all the people who came to our promotion in Nelspruit.

The Mattress Warehouse appreciates the time you took to come support us. A Big Thank You especially to all the people who would lay on the beds. This of course was the aim of the promotion to have the beds available to our customers so you can experience their comfort. You also saved me face because I was there doing the promotion in my pyjamas.

You are invited to come to our showroom and view more beds. We have a showroom open in Midrand. You shall not go back home empty handed. We only stock the finest quality of beds at affordable prices. Call us today on 011 812 8613. We deliver nationwide!

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